Kootenay Lake
Waterfront Property Owner's Society (KLWPOS)


CONTACT US THROUGH klwpos@gmail.com to request your zoom meeting invite if you are interested in attending.

April 2020 - Kootenay Lake Waterfront Owner's Guide

After much work by our volunteers and our thanks to the Columbia Basin Trust and RDCK, for their grants, your Waterfront Owner's Guide is finally here!! At this point we have a digital version available for download Waterfront Owner's Guide 1st Edition.pdf

We will be moving forward to print this publication and hand deliver it to every waterfront owner on Kotoenay Lake. If you are interested in supportin gthis effort, we are selling advertising spaces at the back so please contact us through klwpos@gmail.com

October 2019 - Survey Results

What a great response to our survey! Almost half of our subscribers responded. Click here for the survey results. 

Our Waterfront Owner's Guide in response to your concerns and interests is now complete in draft format and our goal is to have it ready in digital format by the end of 2019, and if all goes as planned, a hard copy into the hands of all waterfront owners on Kootenay Lake in 2020.

We are also pushing ahead with our Milfoil Study and Action plan. If you would like to support this initiative, donations can be sent by e-transfer to klwpos@gmail.com.

October 2019 - Noticing an unusual color in the lake water near Balfour?

You are not imagining things! Vancouver Pile Driving is currently dredging near the mouth of Kootenay Lake near Balfour and the aqua marine colored water is a result of turbidity. An environmental monitor is closely keeping an eye on the lake several times per day. We are assured there is no cause for concern for waterfront property owners. Dredging is expected to complete by the end of November with a one week break Oct 13 - 20.

July 2019 - We Need Your Input!

We are pleased to have secured funding to develop our Kootenay Lake Waterfront Property Owners' Guide. We have come up with a list of over 50 items that Waterfront Owners want more information about. Topics including archaeological / cultural information as it pertains to waterfront properties, accretions and other lands issues, environmental information, regulatory requirements, maintenance for your shoreline, noise issues, fishing information and many more topics.  We need your help to prioritize your concerns. Please take a minute or two to answer our short 10 question survey by clicking on this link before July 31, 2019: Waterfront Owner's Survey

Many thanks to all who participate!

March 2019 - Working on Behalf of Kootenay Lake Waterfront Owners

Great news! We have finally registered our society which means we can apply for funding for our projects.

1. Milfoil Study- as indicated below in our Oct 18 entry.

2. Caring for your Shoreline - a guide for waterfront owners. We heard our waterfront owners loud and clear about what information they need in our survey last year. We will be putting that all together in one place, easy to read, easy to understand.

Membership options: two ways:

1. free as a subscriber to our e-newsletters

2. paid / voting members $20

Email klwpos@gmail.com to join in either capacity.

Check back often for updates on our projects.

If you have any concerns, issues or questions, drop us a line at klwpos@gmail.com.

October 2018 - Milfoil: A Growing Problem in Kootenay Lake

We are reaching out through our newsletter this month to waterfront owners on Kootenay Lake.  You probably don't have to go very far to find Milfoil in your own waterfront on Kootenay Lake.  If you're like me, it wasn't there at all 10 years ago, but now you can find it almost everywhere. If you take a walk down the public wharf at McDonald's Landing - you will see the bay is FULL of it.  I wonder if my waterfront will look like that in a few years?

Kootenay Lake has both native and non-native Milfoil.  The native Milfoil is not as invasive as the Eurasian species.   It is difficult to identify between the native and non-native (Eurasian invasive) species because they look very similar.   The main visual identifier is the number of leaves or branches off of each stem section.   There is a mixing in the water in Kootenay Lake occurring where both types of Milfoil are growing side by side or intermingled, and as a result there is now a hybridized version of Milfoil.   There is an excellent fact sheet and species profile in this link: 

So you must be thinking, what's being done about Milfoil in Kootenay Lake right now? The answer is unfortunately nothing.

The Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society is a non-profit society and they have a lot on their plate already and we highly support the awesome work that group is doing, but Milfoil is not anywhere on their priorities right now, so it needs to be on ours.

It is our goal as the Kootenay Lake Waterfront Property Owner's Society to figure out possible actions we can take to reduce or control this growing problem. The first step is a Milfoil study similar to the Shawnigan Lake Study, (email us if you want a copy of that.)

Up until now, the Kootenay Lake Waterfront Owner's Society has been operated as an unregistered non-profit volunteer Society with free memberships, wholly funded by a few generous and dedicated waterfront owners.

A few of our accomplishments so far:

  • our website, 
  • our quarterly newsletters with relevant information to waterfront owners,
  • we surveyed the concerns of our members this past spring to help prioritize our activities,
  • we represent the interests of waterfront property owners to levels of government through our advisory seat on the Kootenay Lake Partnership. 

It is now time to incorporate our non-profit society so we can access grants to fund this Milfoil study and other initiatives. To achieve this goal, we will be offering annual $20 memberships to those waterfront property owners who are interested in joining our society as paid / voting members.  

Don't worry if this isn't for you - our quarterly newsletter will remain free to all current or new subscribers and updates about the work our society is doing will always be posted here on our website.

Membership opportunities for paid / voting members will be forthcoming and we hope you will consider this a worthwhile cause.

June 2018 - Waterfront Owner Survey Results

We are pleased to provide the results of our 10 question survey sent out earlier this year to all waterfront owners who are joined our society. We thank all who took the time to participate. Your input will help guide our society to provide information and resources consistent with your concerns.

A few highlights: Almost all waterfront owners want more environmental information about caring for their shoreline,  most would like more information about riparian rights, most are concerned about a lake of sani dumps, invasive species and notice bits of Styrofoam washing up on their shorelines.  Our society will be working hard to provide information, further resources and programs.

Please see the link below for the full survey results.

KLWPOS Survey Results 2018.pdf

May 2018 - High Water Worries

We are all watching the lake levels rise.
Check current and forecast lake levels here from Fortis BC  http://webapp.fortisbc.com/lakelevel/lakes.jsp
Lake level forecast - May 17, 2018:
Kootenay Lake is forecast to increase to 1752.90 by May 24, 2018.

Average Daily Kootenay River Discharge at Brilliant for May 17 2018:  100565 cfs (cubic feet per second)

News - May 17, 2018:
FortisBC is advising local residents that Kootenay Lake is forecast to reach 1754 feet as early as May 29th. In 2012, the lake peaked at 1753.8 feet, and that level has not been exceeded since 1974. Please be advised that during this time, lake levels are predominately driven by natural inflows as a result of melting snow pack and precipitation. In order to help mitigate peak lake levels, FortisBC has been operating the Kootenay River system at the maximum discharge since the beginning of March and will continue to do so until after the lake peaks. For information on emergency flood preparedness, contact your local authorities or visit the Emergency Management BC website at pep.bc.ca.

For Sandbag locations and availability  click here

RDCK EOC public inquiry line: 250-352-7701 / 1-866-522-7701

If you must take your boat out into Kootenay Lake - be aware of hazards in the water from debris, some debris is partially sunken and not easily visible, please exercise extreme caution and reduce speeds. The fast flowing current is also a concern and can make boating hazardous especially through the narrows. Please ensure everyone is wearing an appropriate fitting personal floatation device, the water is very cold, hypothermia is also a very real safety concern.

Waterfront owners should also move any items like lawn chairs, canoes, kayaks, etc.  up and away from the shoreline as fast rising water can sweep these items away quickly. It's a good idea to double check boat ties to docks, or anything you have tied up in the water -  high water has a tendency to loosen ropes. 

Accessing Emergency Information: The most current version is posted on the RDCK website:

​Jan 2018 - Extreme Increases in Property Values by BC Assessment

​We have been contacted by many concerned waterfront owners about extreme increases for both upland assessed values and dock assessed values.  BC Assessment has advised a change in assessments for docks province wide. In the past docks were only assessed if they were registered or had pilings. New in 2018 - all docks are now being assessed by a new value rating system. Some Kootenay Lake waterfront owners have seen assessments rise as much as 600%, still the values of the docks and assessed fees seem reasonable.  If you have issues, contact BC Assessment directly to discuss your situation.

Dec 2017 - Survey for Waterfront Owners

We launched a brief 10 question survey specific to Kootenay Lake waterfront concerns and issues and area asking waterfront owners for a few minutes of their time, https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7K3MQTL

We appreciate your input. The results of this survey will help the KLWPOS prioritize our plans and how we can better serve our members and newsletter subscribers.  We thank all who participate.

Sep 20, 2017 - Shoreline Guidance Document Update

​​On September 15, 2017, we attended a follow up meeting with representatives from the KLP including the RDCK and Province of BC.  We had an opportunity to voice some of our concerns as waterfront owners with these new guidelines, including the lack of representation of waterfront owners in the creation of these guidelines; errors and inconsistencies; complicated and poorly laid out flow charts; a lack of Best Management practices specific to Kootenay Lake (as referred to in the document); as well as, our concern with adding more complexity to an already complicated process with two separate mapping systems (iMap and the RDCK Shoreline Map) and consequent costs to taxpayers.

We reconfirmed that Consultations with Native Bands with regards to waterfront development permit applications are the responsibility of the Province – not the waterfront owner. Waterfront owners with development applications are not required to pay fees directly or indirectly to any Native Bands even if they receive letters from Native Bands to the contrary.

We also established an avenue of communication with the KLP for any waterfront owner who feels their property is not properly rated on the new shoreline map given the lines drawn between properties on the shoreline guidance maps. Here is a link to the maps: http://rdck.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=0255808369564091bae2f2756885edd8

We still don’t understand how these new guidelines streamline anything as claimed and we are still working through some specific errors and issues with the document that we didn’t have time to address in our meeting.

Waterfront owners on Kootenay Lake will require more Environmental and Archaeological Reports to support waterfront development applications as a result of these guidelines, which has been a standard in the Okanagan region for years and is a reality here now as well.

Waterfront owners should always contact Front Counter first with regards to development applications before spending money on hiring consultants to conduct reports.

We were disappointed that many of our issues as waterfront owners were not addressed in the Shoreline Guidance document, such as Styrofoam from existing docks washing up on our shorelines, invasive species on the shoreline and in the water, decrepit docks and existing structures around the lake that should be condemned which pose hazards to waterfront properties, and people living on boats with a lack of sani-dumps/ pump-outs to service septic and grey water. We will continue to work hard to bring these issues and others forward to all levels of government.

August 9, 2017

Shoreline Guidance Document

We are saddened that the Kootenay Lake Partnership did not consult with our society in the development of these shoreline guidelines. It is clear there are inconsistencies, errors and problems with the document and maps, however MFLRNO rep has already said the guidelines went into effect on Aug 1, 2017 so we are disappointed that the public meetings held were not for public input but rather announcing what has already been decided. Waterfront owners can expect to pay thousands of dollars in professional consultant fees for environmental impact assessments and archeological assessments as a result of this documents rating system and we still aren't sure what the impact on costs will be for Cultural Values since this has not been done before in the Province. We will be following this closely. Our fear is that waterfront owners will be discouraged from following the government's process for waterfront development applications, for example special permissions for large docks and other development activities as the process is already very complicated.

It is the responsibility of the Province to consult with Native Bands, not the individual property owner and the applicant is not required to pay any referral fees, even if you receive a letter to the contrary.

Here is a link to the Shoreline Guidance Document



The Kootenay Lake Partnership (a group of local government agencies) is  implementing a new Shoreline Guidance Document for Kootenay Lake. It is the Ministry of Forest, Lands & Natural Resources sole responsibility to consult with Native Bands regarding any application for waterfront development on Kootenay Lake. Proponents are not required to pay any Native Band referral fees or participate with consulting Native Bands - that is completely voluntary . The Waterfront Owner's Society has other issues with this document including adding an additional mapping program and more complexity to the already complex process to apply for permissions to develop waterfront such as building a new dock, legitimizing an existing dock or other waterfront development activities. Waterfront owners are concerned about significant costs being added.  Public meetings are being held by the KLP on Aug 2 in Boswell, Aug 8 North Shore Hall and Aug 15 in Kaslo, all meetings are 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm. Waterfront owners should go and get informed about the implications and also Join our society.

Here is a link to the Shoreline Guidance document and more information  http://kootenaylakepartnership.com/

June 2017 - Kootenay Lake Partnership Shoreline Guidance Document

​The Kootenay Lake Waterfront Property Owners Society has several issues with the Kootenay Lake Partnership's Shoreline Guidance Document which includes additional environmental, archeological and cultural layers that will add to the already complex government application process for waterfront development and  looks to add costs for Waterfront Owners who wish to conduct improvements such as dock building or wish to legitimize existing docks on Kootenay Lake. An email has been sent itemizing our concerns to the Kootenay Lake Partnership (which is a culmination of regional districts, governments and only one society, who is not the KLWPOS.) We have requested a digital copy of the document so we can share it here on our website, and we are working hard to ensure that the interests of Waterfront Owners are being heard - more information on this subject will be posted as it becomes available.

The new 2017 Executive has decided that members of the KLWPOS will receive only two emails per year from the society. Please feel free to check back here on the website if you are interested in additional updates, or email klwpos@gmail.com.

June 2017 - New Executive

​We are pleased to announce that a new Executive has been formed for the Kootenay Lake Waterfront Property Owners Society led by Cheryl Graham, who has many years experience in waterfront development issues and has been a waterfront owner on Kootenay Lake for 14 years. We thank our past executive members, especially our past president, Gerry Beaudoin for his three years of volunteer service. Members were sent an email update with a current list of the Executive. All Executive can be reached through our central email at klwpos@gmail.com

July 2016 - Possible Balfour Ferry Relocation

​KLWPOS supports Balfour to maintain the ferry landing because we support preserving the pristine waterfront area, natural ecosystem, warm water swimming / water recreation area and archeological importance in Queens Bay.  The ferry landing originally was based at the end of Meadow Street in Balfour at the tip of Queens Bay but was moved into the West Arm at Balfour partly as a result of high waves making it difficult to land. The whole area of Queens Bay is open to wind from both directions, we do not believe anywhere in Queens Bay is suitable for landing a ferry during storms and high winds.

Our group believes there are better alternatives with respect to upgrading the existing Balfour landing. We understand there are logistical challenges and this was not the first choice of SNC Lavelin; however we do live here and pay taxes here- which incidentally are higher in proportion to other properties in the area. We believe the barriers and obstacles can all be overcome to continue a service that has been so long in existence and an integral part of the historical waterscape of Kootenay Lake.

​June 2016 - Community Values Survey

KLWPOS does NOT support the Friends of Kootenay Lake Community Value Survey which is inherently biased against waterfront property owners, it is further without any scientific scrutiny or geographic representation. The definition of community is basically anyone. Even a visitor who has come through only once in the past two years has equal say. Compass, the Vancouver company hired to conduct this survey has no ties to the area, no knowledge of the area and is only interested in collecting their paycheque. A launch meeting of this survey included only those who support specific environmental agendas and excluded anyone with any economic development or property rights interests. We ask our membership, friends, neighbours and colleagues to boycott this survey. We will be vocal as a group to advise local governments and others not to allow the results from this survey to be used in any capacity for guidance in lake planning.

October 2015 - Kootenay Lake Summit

​KLWPOS representatives attended the Kootenay Lake Summit in Nelson. We are sad to report the status of the fishery concerns is going from bad to worse.  More information will be updated as it becomes available.

One concern to waterfront property owners raised at this meeting was beach grooming. In response to this concern, KLWPOS will be working on providing information specifically designed for Kootenay Lake Waterfront Property owners regarding caring for their shoreline. 

Other presentations at the Summit included area geology and archaeology.

June 2015 - Fishery Concerns in Kootenay Lake Update

Another meeting was held in Balfour on June 15, A scientific team has been formed to address the issue of the Gerrard rainbow trout, Bull trout and Kokanee in Kootenay Lake. It was reported that 90,000 kokanee fry went into Crawford Creek this spring and Fisheries has ordered another 500,000 with meadow creek genetics to be added to either Meadow Creek or other creeks around the lake in 2016  depending on what the consensus of the 2015 spawn and survival rate is next spring.

Pike Minnow is being looked in to as the numbers seem on the rise as the game fish numbers are down. Pike minnow also seem to be on the rise in the West Arm as well as in the North and South arms of the main lake.  The pike minnow from the  Balfour Kids Fishing Derby Sept 5th 2015 will be examined. It is our hope that lots of families will be out fishing this year so we can collect as many pike minnow as possible for this purpose as well as to lessen the pike minnow population a bit. There is no limit on pike minnow.

All other new information and graphs etc, that were presented at the meeting can be found through this link  http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/kootenay/fsh/main/mainfish.htm

April 2015 - KLWPOS Represented at FOKL Lake Advisory Committee

KLWPOS is pleased to announce we are now represented on the Friends of Kootenay Lake Advisory Committee and attended their meeting on April 28 in Balfour.  Some interesting topics were discussed including the Fishery Concerns.

March 2015 - West Arm of Kootenay Lake Milfoil Investigation

KLWPOS was not successful in our application submission to the Fish & Wildlife Compensation program to conduct  milfoil study in the upper West Arm of Kootenay Lake. While the executive of KLWPOS feels this is an important issue for our society, efforts will be continued to find funding for this important study.

February 2015 - Fishery Concerns in Kootenay Lake

KLWPOS attended the packed meeting in Balfour on Feb 23, 2015 hosted by BDBHA over concerns about  declining fish stocks in Kootenay Lake. While no clear cut information was presented by the Province on why this is happening, nor any solid actions on what can be done to improve the situation, a moratorium is  expected in April to result in a complete ban  on Kokanee fishing and increasing the daily limit on Gerrard rainbows from two to four per day. More information will be added is it becomes available.